Presbyterian Church in
Western Australia

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

(Romans 10:13)

Find a Church Near You

Cnr Campbell St. & David St.
Rev. Ben Wingard
Mobile: 0429 127 177

(English & Korean)
14-16 Broadway
Rev. Seong-Mo Byun
Mobile: 0408 938 573

Cnr Harris Rd. & View Tce.
Rev. Dr Campbell Markham (Interim-Moderator)
Mobile: 0404 456 962

South Bunbury
Rev. Ben Wingard (Moderator)
Mobile: 0429 127 177

(The Scots’ Church)
Cnr. South Tce & Parry Ave
Rev. Dr Campbell Markham
Mobile: 0404 456 962

The Leslie St. Centre, 5a Leslie St.
Rev. Joel Otten
Mobile: 0420 650 100

Mt. Magnet
(Presbyterian Inland Mission Church
and Mid-West Patrol)
Attwood Street
Mr Michael McNair
Mobile: 0409 155 966

Peppermint Grove
(St. Columba’s Church)
(English & Chinese)
Cnr Keane & Venn Sts.
Rev. Dr Kwangho Song
Mobile: 0407 135 351

West Leederville
(Henderson Memorial Church) 
(English & Japanese)
Cnr. Ruslip & Kimberley Sts.
Rev. Minoru Morimoto
Mobile: 0479 176 232

Congregation Organising
Contact Rev. Dr Stuart Bonnington
0400 012 865

PCWA Office and Committee Details

PCWA Office Details

General Assembly
PCWA Office

Rev Dr Kwangho Song
PCWA Office
Phone:  0407 135 351

Rev. Dr Stuart Bonnington BA BTh MTh
PCWA Office
Mobile: 0400 012 865

PCWA Procurator
Mr Gregory Burton SC FCIArb FRI TEP
C/- PCWA Office

PCWA Law Agent
Mr Simon Fraser BA LLM
C/- PCWA Office

Commission of Assembly
10:30 am Saturday 26 July 2025
Venue: St. Columba’s Church, Peppermint Grove
Venn St. Peppermint Grove

118th General Assembly
6:30 pm Friday 24 October 2025
Venue: St. Columba’s Church, Peppermint Grove
Venn St. Peppermint Grove

General Assembly Committee Details

Australian Presbyterian World Mission Committee
Convener: Rev. Paul Bloomfield
Mobile: 0408 823 209

Business and Code Committee
Convener: Rev. Dr Kwangho Song
Mobile: 0407 135 351

Finance Committee
Convener: Mr Chris Woonings
Mobile: 0428 665 123

Theological Education Committee
Convener: Rev. Dr Kwangho Song
Mobile: 0407 135 351

Youth Committee
Convener: Mr Malcolm Ivatts
Mobile: 0432 644 592


AP Journal – Reformed Thought for Christian Living

AP is the National Journal of the Presbyterian Church of Australia (PCA). As such, it reflects the confessional stance of the PCA – we believe that God is triune as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three Persons in the one Godhead. We also believe that the Bible is the Inerrant and Inspired Word of God that points us to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour. Salvation comes through the free grace and mercy of God revealed in Christ’s death and resurrection. We take seriously the gospel message and we seek to represent faithfully the Westminster Confessional standards of the PCA. Our desire is to help Australian and international Christians view the world from a Reformed, confessional perspective and thus our emphasis is on practical theology – helping people live a reformed life.


Australian Presbyterian World Mission – WA

“After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb .” (Revelation 7:9 NIV)

As part of the Australian Presbyterian World Mission the APWM-WA exists to glorify God by facilitating the spread of the gospel to people overseas and Aborigines within Australia.

You are invited to partner with APWM – WA

  • BY PRAYING: Prayer is vital. Without it we would need to stop our ministries.
  • BY STAYING INFORMED: Check our website and Like us on Facebook.
  • BY SUPPORTING: Write to our missionaries, send them a brief e-mail of support and expressing interest and support.
  • BY ENCOURAGING YOUR CHURCH: Encourage your ministers, elders, congregational members to take a greater interest in global mission. Put world mission in your church budget.
  • BY GIVING: We rely on the financial gifts from churches and individuals. Your gifts enable the gospel to go out to the ends of the earth.
  • BY GOING: Take the Great Commission seriously. Talk and pray with your church leaders and go yourself.

The APWM-WA takes a special interest in Christian mission in South Sudan, Japan and Timor-Leste.


Presbyterian Inland Mission (PIM)

The Presbyterian Inland Mission’s (PIM) vision is to see people living in the remote and sparsely populated areas of Australia become mature and faithful followers of Jesus.

As a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and in partnership with the Presbyterian Churches in NSW,  Queensland, SA, Tasmania, Victoria and WA, the PIM has been taking the good news of Jesus to the furthest regions of our country since our foundation in 1912 as the Australian Inland Mission.


Presbyterian School of Theology

Established by the General Assembly in 2008 the PST offers:

  • Classes in the Bible, Christian belief and Practical Theology, aimed at those who desire to grow in their understanding of the Christian faith;
  • Teaching that is in harmony is in harmony with the Bible and the Westminster Confession of Faith;
  • Also classes from time to time which follow the ACT Certificate of Theology;
  • Special talks, workshops and seminars from time to time;

In running the PST, the PCWA is seeking to foster an interest in an informed and Reformed understanding of the Christian faith, and to encourage more people to prepare for service in the Church. The PST is open to people from any branch of the Christian Church. The PST does not charge for its classes.

Presbyterian Women’s Association

The PWA is made up of women within the PCWA who want to support and encourage each other in their walk in the Lord Jesus Christ. The PWA encourages women in each PCWA congregation to be active in reaching out with the gospel to other women and helping then grow in Christ in ways that suit their gifts and talents. The PWA members come together from time to time in Spiritual Renewal and Training Day. Representatives are also sent to the Federal PWA meeting once every three years in order to network with Christian women nationally and internationally.

Presbyterians Assisting in Development

Did you know that over the last 18 years the Presbyterian Church of Australia has sent in excess of $2.0 million of aid to people overseas? This has taken place through PresAID, our overseas aid arm.

PresAID (Presbyterians Assisting In Development) is the Overseas Aid and Development arm of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, through which the Presbyterian Church of Australia directs funds for aid and development to like-minded Presbyterian and Reformed denominations in Developing Countries throughout the world.

PCA congregations throughout Australia are encouraged to devote their Good Friday and Christmas Day offerings to fund a range of specific projects being undertaken by these sister churches in their endeavours to further the cause of the Gospel.




Rev. Dr Stuart Bonnington
Mobile: 0400 012 865