Presbyterian inland mission
For Christ and the Continent

The Presbyterian Inland Mission’s (PIM) vision is to see people living in the remote and sparsely populated areas of Australia become mature and faithful followers of Jesus.
As a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and in partnership with the Presbyterian Churches in NSW, Queensland, SA, Tasmania, Victoria and WA, the PIM has been taking the good news of Jesus to the furthest regions of our country since our foundation in 1912 as the Australian Inland Mission.
The PIM wishes to record its sincere thanks for generous prayerful, pastoral, and financial support given repeatedly to the PIM, its Ministry Teams and ministries. It is gratifying to report that this support is increasing and widening. We pray it might grow further. Without it, humanly speaking there would be no PIM.
PIM currently pursues its gospel vision through the activities of New Dunesk (Ardlethan NSW) and our nationwide network of PIM Ministry Teams.
New Dunesk (ND) is a place for God’s people to be inspired, equipped, and sent out for Gospel ministry across Australia. Alvin Chai is ND Ministry Director.
At the beautiful 243-hectare ND site, 2 km south of the NSW Riverina town of Ardlethan:
- PIM Training Workshops are offered.
- The New Dunesk Gap Year program for young people is run.
- The PIM Gospel Nomads Network is based.
PIM Ministry Teams possess the skills to clearly articulate the Gospel message. They take every opportunity to help believers become mature followers of Jesus. These efforts are complemented by the extension of Christian pastoral care.
PIM currently has four Ministry Teams:
- Colin and Alison Morrow – Mungo Patrol, NSW/Victoria
- Noah and Nerroli Vasiliades – Snowy Mountains Patrol, NSW/Victoria
- Doug and Marcia Walker – St George Area Patrol, Queensland
- Michael and Jemina McNair – Mt Magnet Presbyterian Church, MidWest Patrol, Western Australia
The PIM Ministry Teams are Christian believers who are all highly committed to the Gospel task they have taken up in remote and sparsely populated Australia. Please pray for them and take an interest in them as the Lord leads.
One PIM Patrol is currently vacant: The John Flynn Patrol, SA.
Some new fields of ministry are being currently explored. All PIM Ministry Teams seek to build an active team of supporters who pray, support, and give finances to such an extent that 100% of employment costs are raised.
Please consider joining the support of a present or future PIM Ministry Team.
Prayer Requested
Brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly, and be honoured (2 Thessalonians 3:1).
We would be delighted if each day more prayer was offered for the PIM. The PIM Prayer Bookmark can be used to that end.